Guy and Jennifer Swenson
Guy has served the Churches of God as pastor and other ministerial roles with his wife, Jennifer, since his college graduation in 1975. In 2004 they founded Common Ground Christian Ministries, a house church in the Brownsburg, IN. Guy also speaks regularly at the Terre Haute, IN Church of God congregation. (http://www.terrehautecog.org)
Guy and Jennifer are heavily involved in a collaborative movement among the churches of God called Common Faith Network, which seeks to engage, equip and empower the saints for their works of ministry. (https://commonfaithnetwork.org/)
A major ministry sponsored by Common Ground is “Camp Outreach,” which is an annual “ministry to America” where young people, in a supervised environment, put their faith in Jesus into practice as they rehab homes for widows, the fatherless and senior citizens.
Guy and Jennifer have four grown and married children and 16 grandchildren. They own several businesses and volunteer their time for the churches of God.
You can reach Guy at Guy@CGCM.US and Jennifer at Jennifer@CGCM.US or call 317-707-5026.